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  • How does our wall compare to others?
    Great question. Verti-Crete is a modular system, which has its columns and panels as seperate units. This allows a safer handling system while allowing the panel to 'float' within the column channels. This ability is perfect for expansive soil conditions, which causes the ground to shift. Other systems use a monolithic panel column system, which is heavy and clunky to install. This monolithic type of system does not allow the panel to float enough with the movement of the ground, which can lead to severe cracking and failure of the wall. Verti-Crete also grouts our columns in place, whereas some monolithic systems do not. The error in not grouting will cause the column to move and vibrate against the inner support, further increasing the likelihood of failure. The Verti-Crete system, being modular, is also able to change wall directions easily, while monolithic systems have to create a whole new section, which costs more to build. Verti-Crete installation is faster, safer, and better built to handle shifting soil conditions and layouts. Our Stack-Creteâ„¢ system will exceed other similar wall systems, in the fact we produce engineered piers for them. Other thin wall systems will cut corners and shorten up the piers, causing the wall to shift in a short period of time. This is big issue and one the consumer is mostly unaware of. Hawk Construction wil not compromise your investment or look for ways to cut corners on these walls. When we build a wall pier, we mean it and will not just dig a one foot hole and throw some fast setting concrete on it. Hawk Construction also not only installs these walls, but our sister company Hawk Pecast makes them at our yard; we are one in the same. So you can be assured that what we install, we actually make; others may not be able to say that, so the consumer may not have the best information on the wall, or get the service you deserve. When you speak to us about the wall, you are speaking to the originator of it, not a 'paper' contractor who acts like a middle-man. Further, having our own batch plant allows us to change and customize mixes if needed with relative ease, while allowing us to control the quality of the ingredients and the finish of the concrete. Others may have to bring in concrete from a redi-mix supplier or do not have a real batch plant on-site. The risk is you do not really know what your getting. Hawk Precast can prove the mix at any time. Thats quality and service. Thats what makes us better.
  • Does your Verti-Crete line come in different heights?
    Yes! Hawk Precast manufactures four stock sizes, 4', 6', 8', and 10', but we are able to customize walls to different sizes on a case by case basis. If you are curious as to what we can do, please call. Back in 2014, Hawk Construction installed a 20' tall sound wall in Sachse, TX.
  • Do the Verti-Crete panels come in differnt lengths?
    No, all Verti-Crete panels are 12' long. However, the install teams often cutt panels to make them fit according to the layout of the project.
  • Are there any restrictions or requirements for the soil condition?
    No, but we do need a soils report that can be sent via email along with a sight plan
  • Are your products environmentally green friendly?
    Yes, Hawk Precast does its part to protect the environment. Things like reducing the cement content of our mixes with fly ash, which helps reduce the carbon footprint. We use manufactured sand instead of natural sand, as manufactured sand is not obtained from rivers and beaches, which protects these natural resources.
  • Can I purchase material only and install myself?
    Yes, we do sell material only, with no installation, so please call and we can discuss your needs.
  • Is there a pattern on both sides of the wall?
    Yes! Both our Verti-Crete and Stack-Creteâ„¢ systems are special engeneered to allow both sides to have a pattern as well as being able to provide you with designed columns on all four sides!
  • How are the Verti-Crete walls installed?
    Our Verti-Crete walls are installed over concrete footings that are reinforced with rebar anchors to ensure that the wall will not sink or become un-level over time. Verti-Crete's hollow-core posts are then placed firmly onto each footing allowing the panels to fit securely within the notches. After each section is squared up and level, the columns are then filled with concrete to secure them to the footings.
  • Are Hawk Precast and Hawk Construction the same company?
    Hawk Precast and Hawk Construction are sister companies. Hawk Precast manufactures our products in Princeton, Tx and our sister company, Hawk Construction, installs our Verti-Crete and Stack-Creteâ„¢ walls.
  • What are the different patterns?
    Our Verti-Crete line offers four patterns: Durango, Ledgestone, Brick, and Ashlar. Stack-Creteâ„¢ offers five: Chisel Stone, Z-Notch Ledgstone, Brick, Wood, and Quarry Rock. If you would like to see pictures of each, please visit our products tab > Select the product you would like to see > and scroll down untill you see the gallery.
  • What are your walls made out of?
    We have our own batch plant on-site and mix our own concrete to perfection, which makes our concrete easily exceed 5,500 psi within 28 days to ensure that you are recieving a wall that is strong, reliable, and will last a long time, even in heavy winds. Our walls are reinforced with steel rebar and mesh to provide maximum strength which makes them the best in the market.
  • How big is a Verti-Block?
    A Vereti-Block measures 2'x4'x3' which means you will use fewer blockes than your traditional retaining block for almost any landscaping project, while using up to 50% less concrete to allow for cheaper costs, and easier maneuverability.
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