Why should I go with Verti-Block ?
The Verti-Block system is only available to licensed manufactures across the world. Their unique vertical system allows for a more intricate design to make the block look like it was built by a mason's hand while at the same time creating lightweight yet durable blocks for whatever your project may need, eliminating heavy machinery that may tear up landscapes. The Verti-Block has been engineered to allow easy drainage for water by having a hollow core which also saves money not only on the block, but for shipping too!
Verti-Block is ideal for a variety of landscaping projects including residential communities, commercial campuses, schools, parks, back yards, and more. The blocks are easily able to accommodate winding landscapes and even tight curves. For those projects also requiring a privacy wall, Verti-Block allows fencing or walls to be constructed directly on top, including our Verti-Crete and Stack-Crete™ products!
Canyon Ledge

Cut Sandstone